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"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.-Luke 6:38
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Pastor Marvin Booth in this 29-minute video travels to each place where "Acts 29 Church unto God" begin in 2017 to where the Church is at the present in 2025. Preaching Faith and Recalling memories about how God never forgets what He says and what anyone says! How God does not change His mind, though men do! How God will finish what he starts! This is a powerfully encouraging message in the Spirit! Not just for "Acts 29", but anyone who has God's call on them and it seems hard that moment.
*A Neglect of The Common*
Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste? - Haggai 1:4
Sounds like "Haggai" the prophet could have fit in well today as a modern Pastor. His message was too God's (faith confessing) people. Formed in a question of conviction and immediate concern. Let's modernize his quest for us now today. Haggai could have sounded like this, as follows. "People of God, do you not know what time it is? Do you think it's time for you to stay home more in your personal houses, which God blessed you to have with no thought of the time it takes at God's house, in the essential work of His and the privilege of worship of Him to make it a success? How is it that you can take care of the homes God has given you, and yet allow His House to become ruin through neglect?"
Sounds a little blunt, doesn't it? But it's a Truth that the prophets of old like "Haggai" had to address amiss the apostasy in their day. Today, kind of like then, this same apostacy exist. God's House has become a seasonal, secondary place. Where God's people show up for special events. Or if it is convenient according to their calendar. If it doesn't interrupt the pursuit of their personal happiness and the prosperity of having more in this World. A day when the modern "so called" believer can find the time to take care of their homes, and yet allow God's house to be neglected. Sadly, often with no thought of it until a preacher/Pastor has to bring it up. A sign the sheep have stop listening and hearing the Great Shepherd. Therefore, He then has to speak through His anointed and appointed shepherds. A day when the "so called" saint have no "mind to work" (Nehemiah 4:6). Which is "the work of the ministry" accordingly (Ephesians 4:12). A day when many not only have lost the mind to Work, in and at His Houses. Tragically, a time also when now many have lost the heart to attend faithfully to Worship at His Houses. Who predictably “make up excuses” as a habit “a manner of some that is (Hebrews 10:25). Therefore, when God's Work and God's Worship is neglected by those who are called by His name, then their is ruin spiritually at His Houses that seeps into the surroundings culturally with lukewarmness and compromise and deception concerning His faith. Then the spiritual warfare that true CHRISTIANITY is, becomes void in our day and Churches. Why? I call it "THE THREE W's of HIS KINGDOM". (1) Worship (2) Work (3) Warfare. The Church is only a success in The Spirit when these three Kingdom principles are obeyed. Some only want to Worship. They want a service every now and then, not a Church. They come or not come, makes no difference to them. Their not zealous for His House as Jesus was in (John 2:17). Then there are those who enjoy to Worship in His House, because they have so much work invested in His House! Noticed, I said "work" not "tithes and offerings". Going to His House to them is not just about worship, it is also about work. They go to His House to Worship and Work! Only this category of congregants are really “WARRIORS". They will fight and not flee! According to (Nehemiah 4:17), "...every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with other hand held weapon." Meaning, the WORKERS are the WARRIORS! Many can WORSHIP, but this does not mean they are WARRIORS. Only those who WORSHIP and WORK are WARRIORS!
Warriors are faithful to the fight, because they are willing for the work! Thy don’t mind working because their mindful of the work! This is why then they can "WARSHIP" in the midst of the warfare that CHRISTIANITY is and not run when times aren’t fun. Those who can run away so easily in warfare, are those who prior, neglect the work, though they occasionally worship. God's house lies in much waste today. Some of the waste is “TIME WASTED". Not discerning the times. The time at His House. The neglect of time in His Worship and time in His Work (at His House). In (2 Kings 4:10) a great woman, in "Shunem" connected a little room on her house. It was a room where the prophet "Elisha" could come and rest. A little room where God did big things! It was in this little room connected to her house that God raised her dead son back to life! (2 Kings 4:32-37).
The word "Shunem" means: "DOUBLE RESTING PLACE". This place of MIRACLES was a place (GOD'S RESTING PLACE), the same as HIS HOUSE. She connected God's Room, His Upper Room "so to speak" to her House! It became a “double house” His house and Hers! Her house was one with His House! Until we His people reconnect back to God's House faithfully in "Worship", in "Work" and in "Warfare" we will not experience these types of "Wonders".
Many do not realize that Pastors have houses too. They have yards to tend. They have families to provide for. They live on the same 24rs that everyone else does. Yet, when they take care of their homes and families, their minds are also on taking care of God's house and His family. They don't just think of their yard. They think of God's yard. When they think of their house and the weekly care, their reminded of the weekly care at God's house. They don't think just of their house; they think of God's house. Too, often them and their family are left with the weight to take care both theirs and God's. While, many saints have no thought, no mind other than Church time. Never asking prior and after services: "WHEN WAS THIS DONE?" "WHO DID IT?" and "HOW WAS IT DONE?"
Pastor's do not have to have members of the Church inform them of common things that need to be done at their personal houses. Likewise, Church members don't need Pastor's to inform them when common things need to be done at their houses. Yet, how is it that the Pastor has to be both mindful of common things for both his house and God's house? Why is it that the Pastor is expected to remind Church members of the common things that need to be done at God's House? Common things at our houses and at God's Houses. Here are some common examples in comparison. Yard cleaning and maintenance. House cleaning and maintenance. Taking trash out? Locking doors? Unlocking doors? Turning water spickets on and off (especially in freeze warning conditions).
Turning lights on or off. Turning/setting thermostats on or off, etc. Common things that are so often overlooked except by those who OVERSEE. Things that are so common at our houses yet are so neglected at God's Houses. Why? Because most think...the Pastor or his family will do it.
According to (Acts 6:4), the main responsibility of the Pastor is "prayer & preaching". Yet, because there is so much neglect of common thing, the local minister becomes the one carrying both His House and God's. A task that will eventually wear him down at both his house and sadly at God's house in the pulpit. Which is satan's plot. The enemy loves lazy saints who let their Pastor's, and their families do all the common things at the Church. Then he (the wolf) can sit back with the sluggish sheep and watch the battered shepherd become smitten, so then the sheep might be scattered. (Mark 14:27). Why? So, the wolf (satan) can then feed on scattered sheep who want come feed. Battered (wore out) shepherds lead to scattered (wandering off) sheep. Then the wolf succeeds in devouring and wasting both. It all leads back to the waste of God's House and the common neglect. This is where the waste and wear begins.
Wake up saints! Get Work up Church! Come Alive in 2025!
Churches, Time and Shepherds are being Wasted over the common simple things being neglected.
Be Not Deceived...saith the preacher!
In the Spirit with Haggai the Prophet,
Abiding, Night Watching Shepherd,
-Pastor Marvin Booth 2025
Pastor Marvin Booth preaching from (Acts 17:23), about the Apostle Paul's GREATEST MESSAGE! A Word that many didn't believe and accept when he preached it! They were too religious! He was called names by some and mocked for preaching against their religion and telling them they didn't know God. Only a certain few believed. He didn't look to successful, but it was still one of the greatest messages he ever preached! Great preaching does not always tell people what they want to hear!
This “prophetic song” was captured in the Spirit in an upper room in Waycross Georgia on (October of 2017). Acts 29 Church unto God was only 3/1-2 months old at the time. A “Prophetic Song” is a “Spiritual Song” according to (Colossians 3:16). The message in this song is foundational to the existence of Acts 29 Church unto God then and to the present day. I've not changed my mind...saith the Lord!
In this 24-minute video Pastor Marvin Booth clears up any misconceptions any may have concerning the name "Acts 29 Church unto God". He also denounces any affiliation with any other denominations or networks that may use the name "Acts 29". He does all this while preaching the very revelation from scriptures and the process to how the Holy Ghost had him to both name and plant "Acts 29 Church unto God", in Waycross Ga.
"Come and See The Works of The Lord; He is Awesome In His Doings Toward The Children of Men."-Pslams 66:5
Today | Closed |
Is a Pentecostal Church plant in the Waycross Georgia area. Church was founded by prophet Marvin Booth, who also serves as the lead Pastor and Overseer. Co-founder was Michael Taylor, who has been released from this ministry as of June 29th, 2020. This church was planted on June 25th, 2017. The 1st 3 months of this new work, services were held above the "Ameris Bank", at 401 Carswell Ave. in a small office space of the "Liberty National Insurance Co." We refereed to this small area as "The Upper Room". Seeing the Church of Acts begin also in an "Upper Room" (Acts 1:13), this seemed very appropriate. It was here that lead Pastor Marvin Booth (who had traveled extensively for over 25 yrs both near and far as a full time revivalist/evangelist begin to teach and preach to the Acts 29 remnant (which at the time were 9 individuals), how to enter into the presence of Christ and the importance of becoming intimate with Him in prayer. A theme that this ministry continues to promote and practice as the top priority and the firm foundation of this Church today. Then on November 5th, 2017 "Acts 29 Church Unto God", moved and so-sojourned by faith into their next location @ 410 Plant Ave. , where the Church remained for 12mths. Then on October 31st 2018 Acts 29 Church unto God purchased their own facilities and property at 2913 Albany Ave Waycross Ga. 31503 Georgia where we have weekly services on Sunday @ 10 am (School of The Spirit t)in main Sancturay, 10:40am Early Praying (in Main Sanctuary) and @ 11am (Morning Worship and The Word Service), Sunday afternoon at 4:30pm our youth meet, "The Cross Generation", Adults @ 5pm (Early Prayer) then @ 6pm (Our Evening Worship and Word service begins). Our mid-week service is held on "Thursday's" @ 7:30pm. We call it "Thirsting For God Thursday". All our services are "Streamed LIVE" to our Church Facebook Page. You can also follow us on YouTube/MarvinBooth with an archive of videos, To Jesus Be All The Praise!
The # (29) comes from the (# 2) which stands for (Acts 2), the day of Pentecost (not a denomination) when Christ birthed His Church. Which was then and now a tongue speaking, devil evicting, sin convicting, soul saving, body healing Church! Today the Church that belongs to The Lord Jesus still operates this way. The (# 9) represents (9 gifts of the Holy Ghost) as out-lined in (1 Corinthians 12:1-11). The last verse in the Book of Acts is found in (Acts 28:31). We see also (9-Nine revelations) that this last verse gives, as it relates to why God chose this name "Acts 29 Church Unto God" for this end time work and end-time old paths Church!
The end of the name:"CHURCH UNTO GOD" comes from (Acts 12:5).
Therefore meaning that the foundation of "Acts 29 Church unto God" is and will always be a praying Church! A CHURCH UNTO GOD is a Church that comes unto God in prayer about and before any and everything!
"...but prayer was made without ceasing of the Church Unto God..."-Acts 12:5
Pastor Marvin Booth preached a message during a revival some 12yrs prior to planting this Church in 2017 entitled: "Acts 29". When he announced then for the congregation to turn to Acts 29, many including the Pastor where he was preaching this revival looked at him strangely, seeing they could not locate Acts 29 in the Bible. He then begin to quote the last verse of Acts 28, which is verse 31. Sharing with them the revelation of the last statement in this scripture which states; "..no man forbidden (or stopping) him." Meaning the book Acts did not stop at this passage! It CONTINUES today through those who are full followers of Christ! That night in this revival service Pastor Marvin said to God's people, "Look at your neighbor and say.. "We are the next episode of The Acts of The Holy Ghost!" "YOU ARE ACTS 29!"
He then shouted; "Pentecost To Be Continued!" He had no idea then, that 12 yrs later on (June 25th, 2017) the Holy Ghost would lead him to plant a Church with this title in it. Now the phrase "Church Unto God", again taken from (Acts 12:5) was also a title during a revival message (again 12yrs prior) to planting this Church. As he shared how the Church in Acts was a praying Church, a "Church Unto God" that never stopped praying. This was how the the name "Acts 29 Church Unto God", came about.
Back to (Acts 28:31), we see also (9-Nine revelations) that this last verse gives, as it relates to why God chose this name "Acts 29 Church Unto God".
(1) We Are A Preaching Church!
Jesus cast out demons through preaching (Mk 1:39). There is no power over demons without truth preaching! Preaching the Word rightly divided without compromise)is our main reason for existing.
(2) We are a preaching the kingdom of God Church.
A message of the Cross that involves both believing and be-living the Faith!
Placing Jesus 1st in everything.
(3) We Are A Teaching Church.
We teach "The Lord-Jesus-Christ."
(4) Lord:"Our Sanctify-er From Sin."
(5) Jesus: "Our Only Savior from Sin"
(6) Christ: "Our Only Source of the Anointing and Baptism of The Holy Ghost and Fire"
(7) We Are A Confident/Faith Church:
We contend for the faith as (Jude 3) commands. Both from the pulpit and in engaging our culture.
(8) We Are A Pentecostal Continuing Church. No man forbidden him! No man not only stopping (him) Paul, but no man stopping (HIM) The Holy Ghost!
(9) We Are A Praying Church
A "Church Unto God" praying without ceasing.
"Come As You Are and Leave Like Jesus!"-mb
"Come and see the works of the Lord He is awesome in His doings toward the children of men."
-Psalms 66:5
+In The Verbal Inspiration of The Bible (2 Timothy 3:16) (2 Peter 1:20-21)
+In One (1) God Eternally Existing In Three (3) Persons; Namely (God) The Father, (God) The Son (Jesus), and (God) The Holy Ghost. That Three are as One. (1 John 5:7)
+That Jesus Christ Is The Only Begotten Son of God the Father, Conceived of The Holy Ghost, and Born of The Virgin Mary. (Luke 1:31-32) (Matthew 1:20) (John 1:14)
+That All Have Sinned and Come Short of The Glory of God and that Repentance is Commanded of God for All and Necessary for Forgiveness of Sins. (Romans 3:23) (Acts 17:30) (Acts 5:31)
+That Justification, Regeneration, and The New Birth are Wrought by Faith in The Blood of Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1) (1 John 1:7) (Ephesians 1:7)
+In Sanctification (separation from sin) Subsequent (following) The New Birth, Through Faith in The Blood of Christ; Through The Word of God, and by The Holy Ghost. (Hebrews 13:12) (1 Thessalonians 4:3) (John 17:17) (1 Peter 1:2)
+In The Baptism with The Holy Ghost Subsequent to (or following) a Clean Heart Through Repentance and in Speaking with Other Tongues as The Spirit gives Utterance and that This is The Initial (beginning) Evidence of The Baptism of The Holy Ghost. (Acts 1:5) (Acts 2:4) (Acts 2:38)
+In Water Baptism by Immersion, and All who Repent should be Baptized in The Name of The Father, and of The Son (Jesus), and of The Holy Ghost. (Matthew 28:19)
+In All Nine (9) Gifts of The Spirit in Operation, According to The Written Word of God within The Church Today, as the Holy Ghost wills. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
+That God called Some to be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastor’s and Teachers, and that all these Five (5) Divine Callings are still in Existence today within the Church, by the Unchanged Will of God. (Ephesians 4:11-14)
+That Divine Healing is Provided for all in The Atonement (or by the Blood of His Cross). (1Peter 2:24)
+In The Lord’s Supper (Communion) and The Washing of The Saints Feet. (Luke 22:19-20) (John 13:14)(1 Corinthians 11:26)
+In The Imminent Second Return of Jesus Christ in The Clouds, First (1st) to (Resurrect) The Dead in Christ and to Catch Away (Rapture) The Saints that are Alive and Remain Together in The Air. Second (2nd) to Reign on The Earth a Thousand Years. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) (Revelation 20:4)
+In The Bodily Resurrection; Eternal Life in Heaven for The Righteous who Receive Forgiveness through The Blood of His Cross, and Eternal Punishment in Hell Fire for those who reject The Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Cross. (Romans 6:23) (Revelation 20:15)
To become a member at “Acts 29 Church unto God”, one must believe, accept, and practice the following requirements for membership.
+ Each individual joining must confess faith in the deity of Jesus Christ as The Lord God Almighty and also as their personal Savior.
+ Each individual must read our “Doctrine of Faith-We Believe” and coherently agree in the faith with it entirely.
+ Each individual must commit themselves to the faithful attendance and support of our services (as possible). Exceptions are understandable, in case of emergency, sickness, work, death, family, etc. Yet, no member should stay away week after week and resort to watching the service only over social media.
+ Each individual, “working” will be expected to support the Church financially. First in “Tithes” and next as God leads in “Offerings”, as God provides and blesses.
+ Each individual is expected to present their bodies as well as their spirits to God. Meaning; no use of tobacco (smokeless or smoke-able).
No use of marijuana “period”, for any reason (even if consider legal).
No abuse of drugs (prescription). No use of (illegal) drugs at all. No member should be selling drugs at all (including prescription drugs). No use of alcohol at all socially or otherwise.
No member will be presently active in sexual relations outside of holy-legal matrimony.
No member is to commit fornication (having sex without being legally married). No member can be presently active (sexually) as an adulterer (with another man’s wife) or an adulterous (with another woman’s husband).
No member can be homosexual or lesbian.
No member can be (in) any same sex relation (dating), (living) or (sexually). Neither can any member claim or practice “marriage as acceptable” between the same sex. No matter what the state government has instated as legal. Neither can any member live as one who dresses or carries themselves as transgender.
No member will mark their flesh “in the future” with “tattoos”.
What is past is past! What’s forgiven is forgiven!
These expectations are only implemented for both the present and the future of each member.
Those who at any time disregard and disobey these requirements “in belief or in deed”, may be brought before the Church Board “who have the authority” to question any member “in brotherly love”, which also “includes all Church leaders” in regard to any of these requirements listed that have been offended. This includes “our doctrine” and our “membership requirements”. All people are welcome to attend Acts 29 Church unto God. These requirements are “only” for those who desire to become and be active members of “Acts 29 Church unto God”. Only the lead Pastor and the Active Church Board Members Have the Final Authority to Govern or To Discipline within this body/church, according to the confines of the scriptures rightly divided.
THE COVID 19 VACCINATION(S) And Our Freedom To Exercise Our Religious Beliefs
We here at "ACTS 29 CHURCH UNTO GOD INC.", as active members believe it is against the free exercise of our religion "Christianity" when it comes to receiving any of the "Covid 19 Vaccine(s)" according to the 1st Amendment of The Constitution of The United States. After studying both sides of scientific claims, we conclude that there are important (question’s) that reveal that these vaccine(s) involve “genetic manipulation” in the human gene. Also that these vaccine(s) are associated with abortion and “fetal cell lines” within its contents. Therefore, because it is believed to alter the human gene, we consider it to be both unsafe for the body physically and spiritually unacceptable in the practice of our religion. Because we believe according to the following scripture (we follow)…..
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and (Roman's 12:1-2) that our body belongs to God our Creator. That we are commanded by our faith to glorify God in our Body and our Spirit which are our Lord's. We are to present our body unto Him as a living sacrifice. Proving what's acceptable according to His perfect will.
Therefore, all present Covid Vaccine(s) we believe is a violation of our faith in this respect.
We consider these vaccine(s) to be a tampering with our human DNA. As it has been said to compromise the "human gene." Therefore our faith in our God, rejects with respect to receive it, seeing that our God is the “God of All Flesh” according to (Jeremiah 32:27). Because we believe our flesh/body belongs to Him. Therefore, we confidently affirm as the Holy Spirit bears witness in our conscience as taught by (Romans 9:1) that this is not acceptable, nor is it the perfect Will of God for our bodies which again belong to Him. Therefore, it's our responsibility to resist taking these vaccine(s) as a conviction/belief of both our relationship with Christ and the free exercise of our religion "Christianity."
We hold these beliefs in good conscience. This we affirm upon our faith in Christ, “as practicing Christians” and again upon our “1st Amendment Rights” as outlined in the “Constitution” for all American Citizens concerning the free exercise of our religion, without fear of Congress making any law respecting our religion. We are also committed to respect different opinions and beliefs concerning this topic. We will respect all other beliefs without discrimination, maintaining brotherly love. Believing that every human being should have the freedom/right to make their own choice to what is put in their bodies. But we also expect “in return” the same respect “in freedom” to that we hold as acceptable or unacceptable to our faith and the freedom to exercise our faith/religion as our conscience dictates to us, without discrimination from any big government or big business unconstitutional over-reach of those freedoms.
All “ordained ministers” with “Acts 29 Church unto God Inc.” are encouraged not to receive any of the Covid 19 vaccination(s), which would be a violation of what we render acceptable according to our belief and the free exercise of our religion. This recommendation is for Ordained Ministers Only.
Logged into our “minutes” during our “Church Business/Ministry Meeting. Agreed Upon By All Active “Acts 29 Church unto God” Board Members on (08/29/21).
Religious Exemption Letters Are Available For Those Who Ask, After Approved & Signed By Lead Pastor.
This belief and decision is not included as a part of requirements in becoming a member at “Acts 29 Church unto God”. Seeing that would infringe upon individual health/religious/medical rights. This is shared for “religious exemption and waiver” purposes according to the practice of our religious freedoms within the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Anyone (desiring to be a member) who has already received this “vaccination(s)” will not be discriminated against going forward. Meaning: Though we believe “against” receiving this “vaccination” for purposes we have disclosed above, both “spiritually and physically”. Yet those who view differently and have received the vaccination(s) will not be disregarded, or discourage from becoming a future member at “Acts 29 Church unto God”, as long as “he or she” (they) “adhere” too, and “believe” our “doctrine” and “practice our requirements” for membership. Neither shall it be allowed among our members, for those who have been "vaccinated" to discriminate against any others who have not been “vaccinated”. Again, because this is “a personal, medical and religious right of all Americans, concerning one’s own health-care”. No one will be treated differently because of what “he or she” holds as their religious belief concerning receiving or not receiving this “vaccine”. But we still believe that these vaccine(s) are a violation of scripture(s) for the reason(s) we have listed above. Therefore, those of us who oppose receiving these vaccine(s) for these religious reasons, should be allowed to exercise freely our religion in respect to the Constitution.
Legally logged into our “minutes” during our “Church Business/Ministry Meeting. Agreed upon by All Active “Acts 29 Church unto God Inc.” Board Members and lead Pastor Marvin Booth on this date (08/29/21).
Copyright © 2025 MARVINBOOTHMINISTRIES - All Rights Reserved.